1229 Linthicum St. Tarrant AL. 35217 tarrantbmc24@gmail.com



We believe the Bible, both Old and New Testaments to be inspired, the only infallible, authoritative Word of God. We believe the Bible is the complete revelation of God’s plan for the salvation of man and the divine and final authority for all Christian belief and practice.


We believe that God is an Eternal Personal Being of absolute knowledge, power, and goodness, eternally existent in three persons; Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.


We believe in the deity of Jesus Christ, in His virgin birth, free from moral taint of nature, perfect in life and conduct, in His miracles, and in His vicarious death. We believe in His atonement for the whole human race, in His bodily resurrection from the dead, in His ascension into heaven where at the right hand of God He is now our High Priest and Advocate, and in His bodily return to earth in His second coming.


We believe the Holy Spirit, the third person in the triune God, is a person and an agent in creation, preservation, revelation, and redemption.


We believe in the conscious existence of the dead, the resurrection of the body, the final judgment, the everlasting life of the saved, and the everlasting punishment of the wicked.


We believe that man was created by God, that he did not evolve from matter or from lower forms of life, that because of willful disobedience he brought upon himself both physical and spiritual death, and that he passed on to all posterity a sinful nature for which he becomes personally responsible to God at the age of accountability.


We believe that man’s return to God is only through the enabling of the Holy Spirit. We believe that both repentance and faith are conditions for obtaining the new birth. We believe that born-again Christians are called to be cleansed from a remaining sinful nature and filled with the Holy Spirit through a definite confession of inward sinfulness, a presentation of oneself as a living sacrifice, and an obedient faith in the promised cleansing through the atoning blood. It is not, however, the teaching of the church that this cleansing delivers from infirmities, from ignorance, or from mistakes which are common to man. We believe that the Holy Spirit bears witness to both the new birth, as the first work of grace, and also to heart cleansing and Spirit fullness, as the second work of grace, all of which are retained by daily obedience and faith. We believe that evidence of the Spirit’s fullness is not the possession of spiritual gifts but rather a life of inward and outward righteousness. We believe that man’s return to God from a fallen state is completed in the redemption of the corruptible body at the resurrection.


We believe that the church is God’s ordained institution composed of all who believe on Jesus Christ for salvation, among whom the Word of God is preached, worship of God is exercised, the means of grace are duly administered, the attitudes toward God and man as exemplified in Jesus Christ are fostered, and the solemn obligation of a world-wide gospel witness is faithfully fulfilled.


We believe the Bible expressly calls the Christian to a life of righteousness and good works and to a separation from such practices, pleasures, pursuits, and plans as will harm the body as the temple of the Holy Spirit, weaken the mind, hinder the testimony for Christ, and hurt the church. We believe that non-use of tobacco and alcoholic beverages; non-membership in secret oath-bound societies; modesty, neatness and simplicity of attire; absence of superfluous adornment; honesty in business practices; the refraining from uncharitable, unprofitable, and unchristian conversation; proper observance of the Lord’s Day; and chaste and prudent conduct in all the social and moral areas of life are reasonable and consistent applications of the Bible teaching of separation and godly living and are based upon scriptural principles.

The Tarrant Bible Methodist Church is part of the Bible Methodist Connection of Churches. Click here to read ourĀ Discipline.